Child pornography charges are very serious, and can affect your life for a long time.  A charge of child pornography is particularly difficult because of the stigma you may face from the people around you. If you are charged with child pornography in Minnesota, an experienced defense attorney can help you.

Understanding Child Pornography Charges

Child pornography involves the creation, distribution, sharing, or storing of any illicit images or videos containing minor children under the age of eighteen. Charges are often leveled against the individuals responsible for the creation, or distribution of, child pornography, but these are not the only cases. You can be charged with child pornography simply because you downloaded or accessed an image on your computer, or phone. Many cases involve people who had nothing to do with the creation of child pornography, and oftentimes the accused isn’t even aware of any wrongdoing.

Even if you receive an email or text that contains child pornography, you could potentially be at risk. This is true even if you aren’t aware that an image or video contains underage children. If you innocently share an image or video through email or a file-sharing network, you can face very serious charges.

There are also now many child pornography cases that are connected to high school students. What a high school student may think is innocent flirting or image sharing can end up turning into a child pornography charge. This is especially true in cases of “sexting,” or where explicit images are stored or shared. A child pornography charge can even apply when all individuals involved consented to the taking and sending of nude, or partially-nude, images.

Child Pornography Defense Lawyer

When you are charged with child pornography, it’s important to get a qualified defense lawyer on your case as soon as possible. You need an attorney to immediately build your case so you can get back to living your life as normal as possible.

In many child pornography cases, law-enforcement officers will spend months investigating and putting together a case against you before you are even aware that any charges are in process. This may include sting operations – such as acts of online flirtation that you thought were on the level. Anything you do online can be used against you, so you need to be sure you have a trusted lawyer on your side who can dig through your online behavior.

If you are convicted of child pornography, you can face prison time or may be placed on a sex offender registry. This can have a serious impact on your future, including preventing you from gaining employment or even buying a house or renting in certain areas.

Always A Free Consultation

If you are up against child pornography charges in the state of Minnesota, we can help you. At the Brown Law Offices, P.A., we help get the best possible outcome in your case. We want you to be able to continue on with your life. Contact us today for a free child pornography defense consultation. Regardless of guilt or innocence, we won’t cast judgment on you. Call us today at 763-783-5146, or complete our free online consultation form.