Statutory rape is often treated harshly, even when the circumstances of the case seem innocent. Since it is classified as a sex crime, society often condemns the defendant – and the prosecution seeks the most severe punishment possible. If you are facing statutory rape charges in Minnesota, you need an experienced attorney to defend you.

Understanding Statutory Rape Charges

According to Minnesota law, statutory rape occurs when an adult engages in sexual intercourse with a person below the legal consent age. In the state of Minnesota, the legal age of consent is 18. In other words, a person under the age of 18 cannot legally participate in an act of sexual intercourse.

Statutory rape cases can be very complicated because the older party often believes the victim consented. In some cases, the defendant may not even be aware of the victim’s actual age. The law does not take exception to this lack of knowledge. Statutory rape charges can even be filed in cases where the defendant and the victim are in love.

Depending on the ages of the defendant and the victim, the punishment for a statutory rape conviction can include:

  • Prison sentence up to 30 years;
  • Fines up to $40,000; and
  • Registration on the national sex offender registry.

The penalties are often less serious when the defendant and the victim are closer in age. For example, if an 18 year old has intercourse with a 15 year old, then the penalty might not be as strict. Regardless of the age difference, the defendant can still face jail time, and permanent registration on the sex offender list.

Statutory Rape Defense Lawyer

As soon as you are aware of a potential statutory rape charge, you need to contact a qualified defense lawyer. As a sex crime, statutory rape is prosecuted aggressively. The right defense lawyer can help get your charges reduced – or even dropped. If you don’t enlist the help of a lawyer, you may find yourself in prison, and on the national sex offender registry.

A statutory rape conviction can haunt you for the rest of your life. With a felony sex offense on your record, you may find it difficult to get the job you want, or live in certain neighborhoods. Additionally, a conviction can put major strain on your relationships, and make you distrusted by society in general. Luckily, you don’t have to fight these charges alone. Your statutory rape defense lawyer will mount the defense necessary to make sure you don’t have to suffer for the rest of your life.

Always A Free Consultation

If you are charged with statutory rape, you need reputable attorneys on your side. At the Brown Law Offices, P.A., we have the experience and knowledge to help you overcome your charges, and get the best result possible for your circumstances. Our attorneys work hard, and won’t cast judgment on you – regardless of your guilt or innocence. Don’t let a statutory rape conviction destroy your life. Call us today at 763-783-5146, or complete our online form for a free consultation.