Estate planning is typically not at the top of our to-do list. There are many reasons why people may put off this important process, including a fear of death, or the idea that it’s too early to start. No matter how old you are, thinking about the future may make you feel uncomfortable. However, estate planning is one of the most important things you can do to protect the people you love. Without a properly executed plan, you have no control over what will happen after you die, or if you become incapacitated. If you live in Minnesota, and haven’t planned your estate, our lawyers are here to help you through the process.

Why You Need An Estate Plan In Minnesota

Although some people think that estate planning is only for the wealthy, it’s actually something that everyone should do regardless of the value of their estate. In the state of Minnesota, the “estate” refers to the real and personal property you have at the time of your death. This includes any real estate you own, as well as your bank accounts, vehicles and jewelry. Your minor children should also be considered when you plan your estate. If you don’t have a plan, then you are leaving it up to a judge to decide who will take care of your children and where your possessions and money will go when you die.

What Exactly Is An Estate Plan?

With the proper plan in place, you have complete control over what will happen to your assets when you die. An estate plan protects your family and friends, and ensures that your wishes are followed. It also helps to prevent further anguish in the event of your death or incapacitation. While many people simply think of an estate plan as a will, there is actually much more to it. An estate plan can include:

  • Last Will and Testament;
  • Power of Attorney; and
  • Health Care Directives

Having these documents in place will help make sure your pre-death, and post-death, wishes are upheld. Even if you don’t own any property or have children, estate planning can be beneficial for you. If you do own property or have minor children, it is absolutely essential.

There are many things you can establish with estate planning in Minnesota, including:

  • A guardian for your minor children;
  • How your property will be distributed among your family and friends;
  • Who will be responsible for overseeing the distribution of your assets; and
  • Your wishes for end-of-life health care

Additionally, estate planning can reduce the tax burden for your loved ones, and make the distribution of your wealth and property into an easy and painless process for everyone.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

If you live in the state of Minnesota, you need an estate planning attorney. At the Brown Law Offices, P.A., we understand that this process can make people uncomfortable. That’s why we are here to help you. We approach estate planning with care and sensitivity. We make sure that you have all of the proper documents in place to ensure that your wishes will be upheld in the future.

If you are ready to plan your estate and protect the ones you love, our lawyers are ready to help you. Contact us today for a free estate planning consultation. Call 763-783-5146 or complete the free consultation (link at the top right of this page) form.