There is a growing movement toward using alternatives to traditional litigation to resolve divorce cases. One of the most popular options is mediation, which involves both spouses, and their attorneys, meeting with a neutral person trained to help them come to an agreement that is mutually acceptable. Our family law lawyers have often served as divorce mediators in Minnesota and represented hundreds of clients as such.

Cost of Mediation

In some Minnesota counties, the court provides mediators on issues concerning the custody of the child(ren) at little or no cost. Property issues may require a private mediator, the cost of which is typically split among the parties. You can expect to spend at least $250.00 per hour for good divorce mediator services in Minnesota, the cost of which is usually divided with your spouse.

Nature of Mediation

Mediation is confidential and non-binding. Mediators cannot force the parties into a settlement. Rather, mediators keep everyone focused and facilitate the exchange of information. Mediation is not appropriate in all cases, particularly those in which there is a history of domestic abuse among the parties. The actions and concessions of a party during mediation cannot be used against them in court pursuant to the rules of evidence.

Advantages of Mediation

Taking advantage of divorce mediation services in Minnesota may lower the overall cost of completing your case. It may also save you time, as it often takes a year or more to move a divorce through the courts. Because of the obvious benefits, the court will often require the parties in a divorce to mediate.

Schedule a Consultation

Have additional questions? Contact the Brown Law Offices, P.A. today. Call 763-783-5146, or complete our case evaluation form and someone from our office will get back to you shortly.